Bulletin 14th Sep 2024

Hello again, and welcome back to this week’s bulletin. The Mass times are as follows:


We are sending 30 shoeboxes to the seafarers mission.  If you have any of the following spare items at home please bring them into the schoolroom by Sunday 22nd September.

Toiletries and Socks (men), soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush, razors, playing cards, dominoes, cuppa-soups.  Please check that any expiry dates are beyond March 2025. 


LEPRA: There will be a second collection for the work of  Lepra at all weekend Masses 14th/15th September:

 Today 600 people will be diagnosed with leprosy, more than 50 of these will be children. Leprosy is a disease that affects the nerve endings in the hands and feet and can affect the blink reflex of the eyelids. If not treated early enough it can cause life-changing disabilities and even blindness. One-in-two people   diagnosed with leprosy suffer moderate to severe depression and anxiety due to the prejudice and discrimination associated with the disease.  Evidence shows over 3 million people are living with undiagnosed leprosy.  Over 4 million people are living with a life-changing disability caused by leprosy.                          

But it is curable!   2024 is Lepra’s Centenary Year  For 100 years Lepra’s research has led to new and innovative approaches to healthcare programmes. Lepra seeks to provide better detection, treatment and support mechanisms, to advocate for those without a voice, to challenge prejudice wherever it exists, to strengthen local health systems and to help provide sustainable healthcare in partnership with local communities for a future free from the terrible impact of the disease. 

To read some real-life stories of some of the beneficiaries whose lives have been changed through the work of Lepra, please visit www.lepra.org.uk

With your help we can find, diagnose and treat more people affected by leprosy so that they will have a brighter future, full of hope. 

If you would like further information, please contact LauriceJ@lepra.org.uk 


The Lindsey Rural Players are putting on Macbeth at the Broadbent Theatre Wickenby in November.

Performances dates and times are as follows:

Friday 1st November 7.30pm

Saturday 2nd November  7.30pm

Friday 8th November 7.30pm

Saturday 9th November 2.30pm & 7.30pm

“Be bloody, bold and resolute, laugh to scorn the power of man for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” So say the three witches to Macbeth who, with ‘predictions’ like these, fool Macbeth and of course, bring nothing but harm both to him and to Scotland. Their actions lead to the deaths of many, including Macbeth and his wife, and a legacy of chaos and betrayal.

In this specially abridged version by Ruth Hewitt of Shakespeare’s classic play, accompanied by live music and special effects, you will feel the tension, fear and disbelief as Macbeth’s murderous behaviour escalates.

Come along to experience a truly thought-provoking and sinister theatrical performance at The Broadbent Theatre this November. Several of our parishioners are involved in the production. Click here for more details. 

Some people have already expressed an interest in attending the Friday 8th November 7.30pm performance.  

Food Bank

Tinned & dried goods are always needed to help those families who are struggling at this time of year. If you would like any further information please have a chat with Pauline.

Parish email Address

We have a new parish email address. Please use the following email address from now on.


God Bless,

Fr. Robert