A warm welcome to you. Let’s start with the Mass schedule for this week.

If you would like more information on St. Thomas at Gainsborough please click here for the latest information.
100 Club Updates
March’s winning number is 106.
In order for next year’s 100 club (starting April 6th) we need you to register as soon as possible. The cost of your numbers remains as previous years at £10 per number for the whole year.
This year the monthly prize amounts have changed to 1st-£25, 2nd-£15, and 3rd-£10 giving more people a chance to win. The Christmas draw remains at £100 with additional prizes of chocolate and wine.
Please register as soon as you can with either Mary Q, Anne McIntyre, or Keith.
Good Luck!
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
Catholics aged 18 to 59 are required to fast, which means they can eat one full meal and two smaller meals that do not equal a full meal: All Catholics aged 14 and older are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Friday throughout the year . If fasting or abstinence would considerably jeopardize your health specifically, if you are pregnant, nursing, or have severe health conditions you are exempt from these regulations and should seek to enter into a spirit of self-discipline through another penitential practice.
Station Mass: Jubilee of Northern Lincolnshire Deanery, Station Mass – Tuesday 8th April, 7pm, Our Lady of Lincoln. More details to follow.
Parents’ Retreat
The Diocese of Nottingham is organising a day retreat for parents on Sunday 16th March at Our Lady of Lincoln Parish (LN2 2HE), 10.00am-3.30pm. The day will be led by Mike and Alicia Hernon, international Catholic speakers and hosts of the successful podcast: ‘The Messy Family Project’. The day will include Sunday Mass, talks, activities for Children, Eucharistic Adoration and more. Booking is essential. The cost is £25 per couple, please also bring a packed lunch. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/parentsretreat25
The Diocesan Choir
The Diocesan Choir is hosting a morning rehearsal for singers of the diocese to come together to learn music to sing at the Diocesan Chrism Mass. All are welcome! The morning is on Saturday 5th April, 10.30am-1.00pm; and the Chrism Mass on Wednesday 16th April, from 10.00am. To sign up contact cathedralmusic@dioceseofnottingham.uk
Churches Festival 2025
We are taking part in the West Lindsey Churches Festival again this year. A web page has been set up to keep everyone updated as we progress. You can access the page by clicking here.
Food bank
Tinned & dried goods are always needed to help those families who are struggling at this time of year. If you would like any further information please have a chat with Pauline.
For your information or assistance…
We have two email addresses that perform different roles. Just to clear any confusion here is a reminder.
holyroodchurchmr@outlook.com is the one to use to communicate with Fr. Robert directly re spiritual, personal, or ongoing matters.
holyroodmr@gmail.com was set up in 2020 to deal with general enquiries, communication generated via the website, and third parties such as West Lindsey churches festival. These emails are initially looked at by the bulletin team and passed to Fr. Robert if appropriate.
God bless you all,
Fr. Robert