Bulletin 14th October 2023

Greetings and welcome to our weekly bulletin.

Broadbent Theatre

We have parishioners involved in Rinkly Rockers this November. Tickets are available now from the Broadbent website.  More details to follow.  See Events page.

Roof Raisers

See what’s going on by looking at our Roof Raisers Page.

Afternoon Tea…

Thank you to all of you who attended the Afternoon Tea. What a great success it was. We hope you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves.
A big shout out and thank you to Mary Q and Anne Mc for organising this, also Carole and Sarah who worked tirelessly on the day in preparation serving and the clear up afterwards. Also to everyone for the cakes and prize donations. Just over £1,000 was raised to go to pay for the schoolroom roof repairs.

Roof Raisers Kwiz Sheet

We have a few stragglers late on handing their sheets in so the results will be announced next week. To date one person has got all the questions correct!

 Food Bank

Tinned and dried goods are always needed to help those struggling at this time especially during the winter months. Your support is much appreciated, goods can be placed in the basket at the back of the Church. See Pauline if you have any questions or need more information.

Seafarers Christmas Boxes

Christmas boxes Appeal: We are appealing for items for the shoe boxes as from this weekend. These will be our gifts to the sea farers at Christmas time. As in the past we are appealing for: Suggested items: Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shower Gel, Shaving Cream, Razors, Deodorant, Comb, Tissues & Dominoes (used are ok). Socks, Gloves, Scarves.  Pen, Writing Paper, Envelopes. Packets of Cup a Soup. Sweets, Chocolate. Alternatively, next week there will be donation envelopes at the back of the church. If you wish to give cash instead then once it is all collected, we could be in a much better position to buy some of the above at a discount. Please see Fr. Robert if you have any questions. 

Another Appeal

Our ride-on lawnmower is coming to the end of its useful working life-not Kevin the person who operates it. Therefore, we are asking if any parishioner knows of where to obtain an ex-display or very little used one to replace it with. As you are aware such machines are very expensive and if we are to maintain our grounds in as good as a condition as they now.

Thank you for all your help and support.

God Bless,

Fr. Robert