Hello and welcome to this week’s bulletin.
Please Note…
Osgodby Mass: The next celebration of Mass at Osgodby will be in September due to summer holidays etc.
Caistor: Second Collection next weekend, details at Mass.
Zumba Gold classes will start on Monday 4th September at 11am in the schoolroom. There’s a sheet at the back of the church for you to sign up. Classes are £5 per person.
If you wish to use the toilets in the Schoolroom before or during Holy Mass please see Keith or Pauline who will be in the Narthex. Recent incidents have led to damage to property. Sadly the Schoolroom can no longer be unlocked & unattended during Mass.
Also, in this warmer weather, if you prefer to sit during Holy Mass rather than knell or sit, then please sit. If you feel faint or would like some water Keith or Pauline will bring you some water to drink.
Cannon Ian
As many of you know Canon Ian will be retiring from SS: Peter & Paul: A Service of Retirement In thanksgiving for Ian’s ministry will be held on Sunday 24th September at 6pm at Caistor Parish Church. Followed by a buffet supper. We have been invited to attend & join the celebrations. Canon Ian went out of his way to help us during Covid offering the parish Church so that we could celebrate Holy Mass, please join me at the celebration to wish him well & a happy retirement.
Food Bank
Tinned and dried goods are always needed to help those struggling at this time especially during the winter months. Your support is much appreciated, goods can be placed in the basket at the back of the Church. See Pauline if you have any questions or need more information.
Our Lady of Lincoln: HEALING SERVICE led by Retreat Master, Fr Gladson Dabre, OSA on Friday 8th September at Our Lady of Lincoln Church, Lincoln starting at 6pm with Mass. Experience healing & restoration through the transforming touch of God’s healing grace during an evening of prayer, uplifting preaching, adoration, reconciliation and healing prayer ministry by trained teams.
Thank you for all your help and support.
God Bless,
Fr. Robert