Hello and welcome tot his week’s bulletin.

Broadbent Theatre
Parish jolly Friday November 17th 7pm for 7.30. Broadbent Theatre, Wickenby. A performance of ‘Rinkly Rockers’. Come and relive your past!!! Tickets £12 -£11 for pensioners and if we have 10 or more we get a discount so will be £10 –bargain! Sheet at back of church to put your name down. Want to know more? Then click here
Please note
I will be away from the parish 1st Nov to 11Nov, the weekend of 4tt & 5th November we welcome Deacon Warren Peachey who will take the services at Caistor, Gainsborough & Market Rasen. I know you will give him a very warm welcome & thank him for his generosity.
Remembrance Sunday: We shall celebrate Remembrance Sunday at Holy Rood and at Gainsborough on the 12th of November on my return.
Food Bank
Tinned and dried goods are always needed to help those struggling at this time especially during the winter months. Your support is much appreciated, goods can be placed in the basket at the back of the Church. See Pauline if you have any questions or need more information.
Appeal Seafarers Christmas Boxes
Christmas boxes Appeal: We are appealing for items for the shoe boxes as from this weekend. These will be our gifts to the sea farers at Christmas time. As in the past we are appealing for: Suggested items: Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shower Gel, Shaving Cream, Razors, Deodorant, Comb, Tissues & Dominoes (used are ok). Socks, Gloves, Scarves. Pen, Writing Paper, Envelopes. Packets of Cup a Soup. Sweets, Chocolate. Alternatively, next week there will be donation envelopes at the back of the church. If you wish to give cash instead then once it is all collected, we could be in a much better position to buy some of the above at a discount. Please see Fr. Robert if you have any questions.
Holy Souls:
November is the month of the Holy Souls when we remember our loved ones who have gone before us. Your envelopes with lists of the dead & contributions to the Mases will be placed on the altar throughout November as we remember them and pray for them. Would you be kind enough to put on your lists those who have no one left here to pray for them. Thank you.
Another Appeal
Our ride-on lawnmower is coming to the end of its useful working life-not Kevin the person who operates it. Therefore, we are asking if any parishioner knows of where to obtain an ex-display or very little used one to replace it with. We have made some progress on this. More details to follow as they become available.
Grand Christmas Draw
Tickets are now available, please take them & sell them to friends family etc. The draw will take place at St Thomas More Caistor nearer to Christmas after a Saturday evening Mass.
1st prize £100
2nd prize £50
2 x 3rd prizes of £25, plus many other prizes.
Donors for the main prizes sought plus donations of other prizes for the Grand Draw. Fr. Robert.
And Another Appeal
Christmas Coffee Morning Saturday 16th Dec
We need items for the tombola-bottles, chocolates etc and items for the other stalls. Cakes nearer the time
Thank you for all your help and support.
God Bless,
Fr. Robert