Bulletin 29/30 Jun

Hello again! and welcome to this week’s bulletin. The Mass times are as follows:


Every Blessing as he receives his First Holy Communion at the Sunday 11.30 Mass.

Parish BBQ

The Parish BBQ will be on Sunday 21st July from 3pm pm. The tickets are £10 per person , children under 11 are free. We do need to have numbers and payment by 14th July for catering purposes. Salad, meat and desserts will be provided as part of this cost.

Please add your name to the sheets at the back of the church. Tickets will be on sale from 29/30th June. See Mary, Ann or Keith

Thank You

for the prayers & good wishes on this my 23rd anniversary of Ordination to the sacred Priesthood. 

Food Bank

Tinned & dried goods are always needed to help those families who are struggling at this time of year. If you would like any further information please have a chat with Pauline.

God Bless,

Fr. Robert