The schoolroom roof needs urgent repairs before the winter. The roof repair will cost approximately £3,000; the interior toilet area also requires renovation to prevent the schoolroom from having to close through disrepair and hence a potential health risk. Closure will have an impact on the groups who use the schoolroom – forcing them to find alternative venues. Currently the schoolroom are the only toilets for parishioners to use while attending church.

A series of fundraising activities are currently underway to raise the money to finance the repairs. Below is the latest figures of the total raised and the sources of funding for you to see.

Upcoming Events:

Afternoon tea: You are invited to Afternoon Tea on Saturday 30th September in the school room from 2pm. Relax and enjoy the ambience while you are waited on hand and foot. It’s all going to be rather  delightful. Sit and chat with friends over a glass of Prosecco whilst enjoying exquisite cuisine made by our own special team.
Tickets are just £20 per person (glass of Prosecco included) , tickets will be limited due to the size of the school room, we will need final numbers by the 27th September.
If you cannot attend this fabulous event, then please consider making a donation to help keep the schoolroom open. 
For more information  on Afternoon tea please contact Mary Quint or Anne McIntyre.
Quiz sheet:  A quiz sheet  will be available from Sunday 17th September.  Please take one with you. The cost is £2 per sheet.  Take it home and have a go! Once you have finished it please bring it back to the church. Please return your completed quiz sheet by Sunday 9th October.  Boxes will be provided in each church for you to pay for and return your sheet. 
Please tell your family and friends about this to see if they want to have a go too.. There are prizes for the top 3 scores.  In the event of a tie, the winner will be drawn from a hat. Oh, and don’t forget to  fill in your name and contact details on the sheet.  Winners will be announced here and in the bulletins on weekend 15th/16th October. 
For more information please contact Keith Winnard.